Source code for umbral.serializable

from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
from typing import Tuple, Type, List, Any, TypeVar

[docs]class HasSerializedSize(ABC): """ A base serialization mixin, denoting a type with a constant-size serialized representation. """
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def serialized_size(cls) -> int: """ Returns the size in bytes of the serialized representation of this object (obtained with ``bytes()`` or ``to_secret_bytes()``). """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Deserializable(HasSerializedSize): """ A mixin for composable deserialization. """ Self = TypeVar('Self', bound='Deserializable')
[docs] @classmethod def from_bytes(cls: Type[Self], data: bytes) -> Self: """ Restores the object from serialized bytes. """ expected_size = cls.serialized_size() if len(data) != expected_size: raise ValueError(f"Expected {expected_size} bytes, got {len(data)}") return cls._from_exact_bytes(data)
@staticmethod def _split(data: bytes, *types: Type) -> List[Any]: """ Given a list of ``Deserializable`` types, attempts to deserialize them from the bytestring one by one and returns the list of the resulting objects and the remaining bytestring. """ objs = [] pos = 0 for tp in types: if issubclass(tp, bool): size = bool_serialized_size() else: size = tp.serialized_size() chunk = data[pos:pos+size] if issubclass(tp, bool): obj = bool_from_exact_bytes(chunk) else: obj = tp._from_exact_bytes(chunk) objs.append(obj) pos += size return objs @classmethod @abstractmethod def _from_exact_bytes(cls: Type[Self], data: bytes) -> Self: """ Deserializes the object from a bytestring of exactly the expected length (defined by ``serialized_size()``). """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Serializable(HasSerializedSize): """ A mixin for composable serialization. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def __bytes__(self): """ Serializes the object into bytes. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class SerializableSecret(HasSerializedSize): """ A mixin for composable serialization of objects containing secret data. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def to_secret_bytes(self): """ Serializes the object into bytes. This bytestring is secret, handle with care! """ raise NotImplementedError
def bool_serialized_size() -> int: return 1 def bool_bytes(b: bool) -> bytes: return b'\x01' if b else b'\x00' def bool_from_exact_bytes(data: bytes) -> bool: if data == b'\x01': b = True elif data == b'\x00': b = False else: raise ValueError("Incorrectly serialized boolean; " f"expected b'\\x00' or b'\\x01', got {repr(data)}") return b